Monday, August 4, 2008

REVIEW: Getting the Girl by Susan Juby

Sherman Mack is in Grade 9 at Harewood Technical school, and he has a crush on Dini Trioli -- a Grade 10. But Dini is in danger -- Sherman thinks -- of being "D-Listed" ("defiled")... this is where a kids' photo is posted on a washroom mirror, and then the whole school acts as if that person is invisible.

So, to make sure Dini doesn't get "defiled", Sherman Mack is on the case. He starts investigating Defilings, and the result is humorous!

This was a very cute book, and laugh-out-loud funny in some places! A realistic portrayal of high-school and the stuff that goes on there.


Rated: B+

1 comment:

Test said...

This book looks so cute. I can't wait to read it!