Monday, June 9, 2008

REVIEW: The Vagabond Clown by Edward Marston

I'd never read any books by this author before this one, but apparently this book is 12th in a series. Irregardless, it was easy enough to start here with this one because you are introduced to the characters, and don't seem to be missing much. There are hints at what may have happened in previous books, but not to the extent that it ruins much, I don't think.

I came across this book several years ago in one of those chapter-a-week Emails, and I was so engrosed in the story that I put it on my TBR list, and haven't ever forgotten it. Well, here I needed a "V" title for Alphabet Readers, and so this book came to mind. ;o)

Westfield's Men is a theatre troupe that usually plays in London, England. But, when a murder takes place during one of their plays at their normal innyard, the troupe is forced to go out traveling on the road earlier than expected. They are also forced to hire a stand-in replacement clown, as their own Barnaby Gill was injured (broken leg) during an affray that led to the murder.

Along the way, they run into mishap after mishap, and their book holder, Nicholas Bracewell, tries to learn the secrets of why the murder was committed, and who did it -- as well as who is still trying to keep Westfield's Men from playing!

Very well written, and I'll be seeking out other books in this series! :)

Rated: A-

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